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Hening Aprilyanti


The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of throwing a turbo on fifth grade students of
SDN 05 Tambakaji Semarang with the implementation of the target ball game. This study uses Classroom
Action Research (CAR). The subjects were fifth grade students of SDN 05 Tambakaji Semarang totaled 23
students with research object throwing turbo boost learning outcomes. Data collection techniques using
documentation and observation through aspekkognitif assessment of learning outcomes, and aspects of the
affective aspects of psychomotor performance throwing the turbo. Data analysis techniques used in this research
is quantitative data (values student learning outcomes) that can be analyzed by descriptive and qualitative
data. The results showed that through ball toss game targets to improve learning outcomes throwing a turbo in
the first cycle to the second cycle. Learning outcomes throwing the ball in the goal in the first cycle complete
category is 47.82% or 11 students and students who have completed 12 or 52.17%. In the second cycle there
was an increase in the percentage of student learning outcomes in the category completed by 86.95% or 20
students and children who have not completed 3 or 13.04%. Conclusion of this research is the application of a
ball toss game targets to improve learning outcomes throwing a turbo on fifth grade students of SDN 05
Tambakaji Semarang.

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