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Background issue in this study is the lack of proper learning and inadequate facilities in the long jump the
learning process so that the results are not optimal student learning. Formulation of the problem how to
improve the learning outcomes approach long jump through a leapfrog game in the fifth grade SD Negeri
Jenggot Pekalongan City in the academic year 2012/2013. This study uses PTK. Subjects in this study were
the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jenggot Pekalongan. Object of this study is learning to use the long jump
frog jump game. Collecting data in this study designed two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. The results
showed that the activity score increased to discipline students increased to 10 in the second cycle. Total activity
score of students in the first cycle and the second cycle 32.20 increased to 45.26. The average score on the first
cycle of 6.44, which includes the unfavorable category and the second cycle increased to 9.05 were categorized as
good. Conclusions This study suggests that improving learning outcomes approach long jump frog jump game
in the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jenggot Pekalongan City in the Academic Year 2012/2013 including
both categories.
learning process so that the results are not optimal student learning. Formulation of the problem how to
improve the learning outcomes approach long jump through a leapfrog game in the fifth grade SD Negeri
Jenggot Pekalongan City in the academic year 2012/2013. This study uses PTK. Subjects in this study were
the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jenggot Pekalongan. Object of this study is learning to use the long jump
frog jump game. Collecting data in this study designed two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. The results
showed that the activity score increased to discipline students increased to 10 in the second cycle. Total activity
score of students in the first cycle and the second cycle 32.20 increased to 45.26. The average score on the first
cycle of 6.44, which includes the unfavorable category and the second cycle increased to 9.05 were categorized as
good. Conclusions This study suggests that improving learning outcomes approach long jump frog jump game
in the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jenggot Pekalongan City in the Academic Year 2012/2013 including
both categories.
Article Details
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Ballesteros, J. M. 1979. Pedoman Latihan Dasar
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Latihan Loncat Tinggi, Jauh, Jangkit, dan Loncat
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