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This watchfulness aim the authors strive to increase learning outcomes sepak takraw game with a game that
aims menerapan Krawnis motion concept Takraw Association football techniques through games to increase
student movement activity. So as to allay the fears of students and improve learning outcomes Takraw Soccer
Game. This research is a classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle has four steps:
Planning, Execution, Observation, and Reflection. Data sources were students of class V SD Negeri 01 Depok
in 2013 amounted to 19 students, consisting of 9 boys and 10 student daughter. Data analysis techniques used
in this study is a qualitative descriptive statistic. Based on the results of research that learning through
application modification of the game, can improve learning outcomes in Football Takraw Elementary School
fifth grade students 01 Depok. From the results of the analysis occurs very significant improvement from the
first cycle and second cycle. Learning outcomes in the first cycle in the category is 79% complete and the second
cycle increasing student learning outcomes in the category at 89.5% complete. It can be concluded that learning
Takraw Soccer Games Krawnis can improve student learning outcomes Elementary School District 01 Depok
Pekalongan. From the results of the analysis obtained a significant improvement from the first cycle and second
aims menerapan Krawnis motion concept Takraw Association football techniques through games to increase
student movement activity. So as to allay the fears of students and improve learning outcomes Takraw Soccer
Game. This research is a classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle has four steps:
Planning, Execution, Observation, and Reflection. Data sources were students of class V SD Negeri 01 Depok
in 2013 amounted to 19 students, consisting of 9 boys and 10 student daughter. Data analysis techniques used
in this study is a qualitative descriptive statistic. Based on the results of research that learning through
application modification of the game, can improve learning outcomes in Football Takraw Elementary School
fifth grade students 01 Depok. From the results of the analysis occurs very significant improvement from the
first cycle and second cycle. Learning outcomes in the first cycle in the category is 79% complete and the second
cycle increasing student learning outcomes in the category at 89.5% complete. It can be concluded that learning
Takraw Soccer Games Krawnis can improve student learning outcomes Elementary School District 01 Depok
Pekalongan. From the results of the analysis obtained a significant improvement from the first cycle and second
Article Details
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Ucup Yusup, Sudrajat Prawirasaputra, Lingling
Usli,W. Pembelajaran Permainan Sepak Takraw
Pendekatan Permainan Taktis Di SMU. Jakarta: :
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Jasmani, Asesmen Alternatif terhadap kemajuan
Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jakarta: Direktorat
Jenderal Olahraga, Depdiknas 2001.
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tanggal 30 Maret 2013.
Ernest R Hilgard. dalam (Sumardi Suryabrata,
ahli/). Di akses tanggal 30 Maret
Gagne. The Conditions of Learning 1977,
ahli/). Di akses tanggal 30 Maret
Just for 20view Blog Teknik dasar sepak takraw. Diakses
tanggal 29 maret 2013.
Joan Freeman dan Utami munandar (dalam Andang
Ismail, 2009: 27)
pembelajaran/#comments. akses tanggal
30 maret 2013.
Kimpraswil (dalam As’adi Muhammad,2009: 26)
pembelajaran/#comments. akses tanggal
30 Maret 2013.
Menurut Nasution (2006:36)
(http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belajar). akses
tanggal 30 Maret 2013.
Menurut Hamalik (2001:159)
(http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belajar). akses
tanggal 30 Maret 2013.
Muhamad Suhud. (1991: 1). Sepak Takraw. Jakarta:
Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Moh. Surya (1981:32)
ahli/). Di akses tanggal 30 Maret
Rusli Lutan. (2002: 7). Mengajar Pendidikan Jasmani
Mengajar Pendidikan Gerak Di Sekolah Dasar.
Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Olahraga,
Depdiknas 1999.
Sudrajat Prawirasaputra. (2000: 5). Sepak Takraw,
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Direktorat
Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah
Bagian Proyek Penataran Guru SLTP Setara
D-III Tahun 1999/ 2000.
Sulaiman. (2004: 18) Paparan Kuliah Sepak Takraw,
No. 063/B40.19/KU/2004/Tgl. 19 Maret
2004. Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan
Dan Rekreasi Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan
Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Ucup Yusup, Sudrajat Prawirasaputra, Lingling
Usli,W. Pembelajaran Permainan Sepak Takraw
Pendekatan Permainan Taktis Di SMU. Jakarta: :
Direktorat Jenderal Olahraga, Depdiknas