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Praja Ari Winahyu


This watchfulness aim to improve the throwing learning achievement of the fourth grade students of SD Negeri
Kambangan 03 in Blado in the academic year of 2012/2013 by using numbered target cabin game by using
media bar tenis, cone, numbered cabin, mini flag, and raffia. The researcher used classroom action research in
conducting the research which was done in two cycles. Subject of this study were the fourth grade students of
SD Negeri Kambangan 03 in Blado in the academic year of 2012/ 2013. There were 21 students in which 14
of them were male and 7 of them were female. Technique of collecting data which was used were observation
test ability, understanding, and research of learning achievement. Ability test technique was done to find out
the students’ work score in cycle one, cycle two by observing the systematic in doing the throwing motion series
by modifying the game. The students’ average score was counted to find out the classical achievement as the
target made. Then, it was made the description of the success of learning marked by the improvement of
students’ skill in doing throwing without the feeling of bored. The classical minimum score in cycle one
achieved 81%, in cycle two the improvement achieved 95%. It can be concluded that the use of numbered target
cabin game could improve the throwing learning achievement for the fourth grade students of SD Negeri
Kambangan 03 in Blado in the academic year of 2012/2013.

Article Details



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