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Classroom Action Research is motivated by the low base throwing motion learning outcomes achieved by
students of SDN Kutowinangun 01, Salatiga, where only 32.5% of all students are able to achieve mastery
KKM is 75. Classroom Action Research is a qualitative study, which lasted for 2 cycles involving all fourth
grade students of SDN 01 Kutowinangun Salatiga, containing 40 students. Based on the results that could, in
cycle 1, the average value of the cognitive value of the average student 26 of 30, for the affective, the average
student is a perfect 20 of 20, and for the value of psychomotor, reaching 37 of the maximum 50 points, while
accumulative average value for this cycle is 83 out of a maximum 100, and completeness KKM reached 72.5%.
In cycle 2 there is an increase in the cognitive and psychomotor aspects. For the cognitive aspect, the average
rose 1 point to 27. For the affective aspect, because it has a maximum value in cycle 1, then there is an increase,
and survive on an average value of 20. For psychomotor value, the average value also rose 3 points to 40. Based
on the above results, it can be concluded that the shooting game and fish can increase the ability of student
learning outcomes in basic throwing motion at the fourth grade students of SDN 01 Kutowinangun Salatiga.
Penjasorkes Teachers are also advised to be aware of the physical limits of the students, so it could be more
appropriate in developing the material, so according to the ability of the students.
students of SDN Kutowinangun 01, Salatiga, where only 32.5% of all students are able to achieve mastery
KKM is 75. Classroom Action Research is a qualitative study, which lasted for 2 cycles involving all fourth
grade students of SDN 01 Kutowinangun Salatiga, containing 40 students. Based on the results that could, in
cycle 1, the average value of the cognitive value of the average student 26 of 30, for the affective, the average
student is a perfect 20 of 20, and for the value of psychomotor, reaching 37 of the maximum 50 points, while
accumulative average value for this cycle is 83 out of a maximum 100, and completeness KKM reached 72.5%.
In cycle 2 there is an increase in the cognitive and psychomotor aspects. For the cognitive aspect, the average
rose 1 point to 27. For the affective aspect, because it has a maximum value in cycle 1, then there is an increase,
and survive on an average value of 20. For psychomotor value, the average value also rose 3 points to 40. Based
on the above results, it can be concluded that the shooting game and fish can increase the ability of student
learning outcomes in basic throwing motion at the fourth grade students of SDN 01 Kutowinangun Salatiga.
Penjasorkes Teachers are also advised to be aware of the physical limits of the students, so it could be more
appropriate in developing the material, so according to the ability of the students.
Article Details
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Pendidikan Jasmani. Jakarta: PMTK
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Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
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Pembelajaran Motorik Di Sekolah.
Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Mulyasa. 2010. Menjadi Guru Profesional
Menciptakan pembelajaran Kreatif dan
Menyenangkan. Bandung: PT Remaja
Rahyubi, H. (2012). Teori-Teori Belajar Dan
Aplikasi Pembelajaran Motorik: Deskripsi dan
Tinjauan Kritis. Majalengka: Referens.
Rusli, Lutan. 2001. Asas – asas Pendidikan
Jasmani. Bandung: FPOK UPI.
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Wiwik Kusdaryani, A.Y Soegeng, 2009.
Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan.
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Sudjana. 2005. Metoda Statistika. Bandung:
Sugihartono, 2007. Psikologi Pendidikan.
Yogyakarta: UNY Pres
Sukintaka. 1992. Teori Bermain Penjaskes.
Jakarta: Depdikbud, Dirjen Dikti.
Sukintaka. 2004. Teori Pendidikan Jasmani.
Filosofi Pembelajaran & Masa Depan. Bandung:
Wahyuni, T. (2013). Mengenal
Karakteristik anak SD.
30/ pada tanggal 24 Maret 2013
Wasty Sumanto, 1998. Psikologi Pendidikan.
Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
Yoyo Bahagia, 2003. Pembelajaran Atletik
Untuk Sekolah Luar Biasa. Jakarta:
Dirjen Dikdasmen Direktorat
Pendidikan Luar Biasa.
www. Psikologi Bermain Anak. com/
Index. php