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Dian Windarwati


Abstract. The purpose of this research is to determine the community’s enthusiasm and
interest in the city of Semarang on Car Free Day activities. Population and sample in
this research is a community in the city of Semarang, enthusiastic Car Free Day
activity at Simpanglima. The technique of data collection conducted in this research is
the observation by using questionnaires and data analysis methods used in this study is
the analysis of diskriptif percentage. The results showed that the enthusiasm of the
community to follow the Car Free Day activity in the city of Semarang Simpanglima
with percentage is 89,2%. This can be seen in the data tabu-lations that an average
score of factor of concern is 90.0%, as many as 77.3% chose the factors of relevance, as
much of the 88,0% vote of confidence factor, as much as 99,7% choose satisfaction
factors. Interest and enthusiasm for the theory of com-munity in following the Car Free
Day activity in the city of Semarang Simpanglima in categories with higher score
89,1% percentage is with the major factors that drive was a factor as much as friends
96,67%. This can be seen in the data that the intrin-sic 94,0%, as much as 87,25%
choose amenities a factor, as many as 75,67% opted for environmental factors.
Summary of the results of this research is the community of Semarang had a high
percentage of motivation 89,2% and had a high interest in anyway with the percentage

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