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Research subjects in this study were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Dermaji who are 32 students
consisting of 17 male students and female students of 15 students. The method used in this study is a
classroom action research, carried out in two cycles, the first cycle and second cycle. Cycle I is a direct
observation at the time of learning by using the observation sheet with psychomotor tests passing down
the group. Meanwhile, a second cycle of action on psychomotor tests individually. Data collection
techniques are technical tests carried out, in the form of skills tests, tests students' attitudes and cognitive
tests.The research proves that the value of daily test results on the initial conditions is still relatively low
at 46.87% on aspects of psychomotor, cognitive aspects of 70.5% and 75.35% on the affective aspects of
the sikuls I, after a game of netball action in group. Then in sikuls II, the value of daily test results has
increased 90.62% on aspects of psychomotor, cognitive aspects of 87.20% and 93.50% on the affective
aspects.Based on the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the Through Ball Game Nets can
improve learning outcomes On passing under the Fourth Grade Students of SD Negeri 2 Dermaji.
consisting of 17 male students and female students of 15 students. The method used in this study is a
classroom action research, carried out in two cycles, the first cycle and second cycle. Cycle I is a direct
observation at the time of learning by using the observation sheet with psychomotor tests passing down
the group. Meanwhile, a second cycle of action on psychomotor tests individually. Data collection
techniques are technical tests carried out, in the form of skills tests, tests students' attitudes and cognitive
tests.The research proves that the value of daily test results on the initial conditions is still relatively low
at 46.87% on aspects of psychomotor, cognitive aspects of 70.5% and 75.35% on the affective aspects of
the sikuls I, after a game of netball action in group. Then in sikuls II, the value of daily test results has
increased 90.62% on aspects of psychomotor, cognitive aspects of 87.20% and 93.50% on the affective
aspects.Based on the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the Through Ball Game Nets can
improve learning outcomes On passing under the Fourth Grade Students of SD Negeri 2 Dermaji.
Article Details
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