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Widhi Prastyo
Endang Sri Hanani
Andry Akhiruyanto



Apakah latihan servis twist jarak bertahap dan jarak tetap mempunyai pengaruh terhadap ketepatan servis twist. Mengetahui hasil latihan servis twist jarak bertahap dan jarak tetap terhadap ketepatan servis twist. Teknik analisis data menggunakan menggunakan deskriptif menggunakan rumus persentase. Hasil analisis diperoleh untuk kelompok putra meningkat ketepatan servis twist rata-rata 11,1 atau dalam persentase 83,45%. Dan kelompok putri meningkat ketepatan servis twist rata-rata 9 atau dalam persentase 52,02%, maka Latihan servis twist jarak bertahap dan jarak tetap dapat meningkatkan ketepatan servis twist pada pemain tenis. Kepada para pelatih tenis untuk memperoleh hasil latihan servis twist yang baik, dapat menggunakan latihan servis jarak bertahap dan jarak tetap untuk meningkatkan ketepatan servis twist. 2) Bagi mahasiswa lain yang ingin melakukan penelitian sejenis dapat membandingkan model latihan ini dengan model yang lain, terkait suatu metode latihan yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bermain tenis.


Does a gradual distance twist services practice and a fixed distance have an influence to the precision service twist. Knowing the results of the exercise gradually and twist service distance against a fixed distance accuracy services twist. Using data analysis techniques using descriptive use percentage formula Analysis of the results obtained for increasing the accuracy of the service group son twist on average 11.1 or in percentage of 83,45%. nd increased the accuracy of the service group daughter twist on average 9 or in percentage, then Exercise 52.02% servicing twist and gradual distance can increase the accuracy of the distance still servicing twist on tennis players.The tennis coach to get the exercise a good twist, the service can use the exercise gradually and distance service distance remains to improve the precision of servicing twist. 2) for students who want to do research on other similar can compare this model with the model practice another, related to an exercise that can improve the method’s ability to play tennis.

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