The Effectiveness of A Studdent Facilitator and Explaining Learning Model With A Roundhouse Diagram on Studdent Activity and Achievement in Virus Material

  • Arini Tri Wahyuningtyas Unnes
  • Ari Yuniastuti Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Nur Rahayu Utami Universitas Negeri Semarang


Results of the observation shows that students are still passive  during the learning process in which influence their learning achievement. A learning model of Student Facilitator and Explaining (SFaE) is effective to make the students explain the materials to their friends also  to train students  in expressing their ideas bravely. This study combines SFaE with Roundhouse diagram that makes students easier to understand and explain the materials of learning. The research was conducted  for the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Jekulo. A purposive sampling was used as the sampling technique, and  two classes were used as the sample. The T-test shows that the t-value is more than t-table for 2.71 > 1.67 with  which means H0  is rejected. This condition means that the average results of  the experimental class is higher than the control class. The results of analysis on students’activity in the experimantal class is around 91.76% students are in the category of active until very active, and 8.33% are in the category of  medium. In the control class, around 80.56% students are in the category of active until very active, and  19.44% are in the category of medium. In conclusion, the use of learning model Student Facilitator and Explaining (SFaE) with a Roundhouse diagram is effective to improve students’activity and achievement in the learning material of Virus.


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