
Salah satu kerangka yang digunakan sebagai rujukan menganalisis respon siswa yaitu taksonomi SOLO. Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) menemukan pola  tingkat respon siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah berdasarkan taksonomi SOLO dan (2) menemukan hambatan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah matematika. Metode penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian  ini adalah 24 siswa putri dan 18 siswa putra kelas VIII SMP IT Darul Fikri Bawen. Hasil penelitian ini adalah respon siswa putri pada level prestructural sebanyak 25, 42%, unistructural sebanyak 10, 83%, multistructural sebanyak   32, 92%, relational sebanyak 20, 83% dan extended abstract sebanyak 10%. Untuk hasil respon siswa putra pada level prestructural sebanyak 16, 67%, unistructural sebanyak 9, 44%, multistructural sebanyak 32, 22%, relational sebanyak 38, 33% dan extended abstract sebanyak 3, 33 %.  Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini yaitu  guru perlu memberi banyak latihan keterampilan memahami masalah, mengaplikasikan rumus, dan meninjau kembali jawaban.

One of frameworks used as a reference to analyze students’ responses is SOLO taxonomy. The purposes of the study were to find out the pattern of students’ responses levels in doing problem solving items based on SOLO taxonomy and to find out the students’ obstacles in doing mathematical problem solving items. The research method used in this study was a qualitative research. The data sources of this study were 24 female students and 18 male students of the eight grade of SMP IT Darul Fikri Bawen. The results of the study showed that for female students, 25,42% of them belonged to prestructural level, 10,83% of them belonged to unistructural response level, 32,92 % of them belonged to multistructural response level, 20,83% of them belonged to relational response level, and 10% of them belonged to extended abstract response level. Meanwhile, for male students, 16,67% of them belonged to prestructural response level, 9,44% of them belonged to unistructural response level, 32,22 % of them belonged to multistructural response level, 38,33% of them belonged to relational response level, and 3,33% of them belonged to extended abstract response level. The recommendations of this study are  to give more exercises in understanding the problem.