Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu ada tidaknya perbedaan latihan volley tenis dengan metode down the line volley dan metode volley against the fence terhadap kemampuan volley. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen pola M-S. Data diambil melalui pre test dan post test. Populasi menggunakan atlet club tenis Widyatama Tegal berjumlah 12 pemain dan sampel sebanyak 12 pemain diambil dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Variabel bebas adalah latihan volley dengan metode down the line volley dan volley against the fence, serta variabel terikat adalah kemampuan volley. Instrumen menggunakan modifikasi Timmer and Hansley dengan tingkat validitas 0,842 dan reabilitas 0,958. Analisis data menggunakan t test rumus pendek dengan signifikansi 5 % dab db = 6. Hasil penelitian: 1.) nilai t-hitung = 0,07 < t-tabel = 2,23 ini berarti tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan, 2.) hasil rata-rata metode down the line volley = 28,25 dan volley against the fence= 28,17, maka metode down the line volley dan metode volley against the fence memberikan hasil yang sama terhadap kemampuan volley pada atlet tenis club Widyatama Slawi Tegal tahun 2015.
The aim of this research is to find out the deifference between down the line method volleys and volleys against the fence on the volleys ability. This study used an experimental method with macthing by subject design. Data retrieved through the pre-test and post-test. Population using Widyatama tennis club athletes tegal amounted to 12 players and a sample of 12 players taken with the technique total population. The independent variable are the volleys methods with Down The Line Volleys and Volleys Against The Fence, and the dependent variable is the volley ability. The instrument use a modified Timmer and Hansley with levels of validity and reliability 0.958 0.842. Analysis of data using short formula t test with significance of 5% db = 6. Results of the study: 1) the value of t = 0,07< t table = 2.23 means there is a significant difference, 2) the average yield method Down The Line Volleys = 28,25 and volleys Against The Fence = 28,17, then the method Down The Line Volleys and method Volleys Against The Fence give the same result in the ability of the athlete’s volley tennis club Widyatama Slawi Tegal 2015.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu ada tidaknya perbedaan latihan volley tenis dengan metode down the line volley dan metode volley against the fence terhadap kemampuan volley. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen pola M-S. Data diambil melalui pre test dan post test. Populasi menggunakan atlet club tenis Widyatama Tegal berjumlah 12 pemain dan sampel sebanyak 12 pemain diambil dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Variabel bebas adalah latihan volley dengan metode down the line volley dan volley against the fence, serta variabel terikat adalah kemampuan volley. Instrumen menggunakan modifikasi Timmer and Hansley dengan tingkat validitas 0,842 dan reabilitas 0,958. Analisis data menggunakan t test rumus pendek dengan signifikansi 5 % dab db = 6. Hasil penelitian: 1.) nilai t-hitung = 0,07 < t-tabel = 2,23 ini berarti tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan, 2.) hasil rata-rata metode down the line volley = 28,25 dan volley against the fence= 28,17, maka metode down the line volley dan metode volley against the fence memberikan hasil yang sama terhadap kemampuan volley pada atlet tenis club Widyatama Slawi Tegal tahun 2015.
The aim of this research is to find out the deifference between down the line method volleys and volleys against the fence on the volleys ability.  This study used an experimental method with macthing by subject design. Data retrieved through the pre-test and post-test. Population using Widyatama tennis club athletes tegal amounted to 12 players and a sample of 12 players taken with the technique total population. The independent variable are the volleys methods with Down The Line Volleys and Volleys Against The Fence, and the dependent variable is the volley ability. The instrument use a modified Timmer and Hansley with levels of validity and reliability 0.958 0.842. Analysis of data using short formula t test with significance of 5% db = 6. Results of the study: 1) the value of t = 0,07< t table = 2.23 means there is a significant difference, 2) the average yield method Down The Line Volleys = 28,25 and volleys Against The Fence = 28,17, then the method Down The Line Volleys and method Volleys Against The Fence give the same result in the ability of the athlete’s volley tennis club Widyatama Slawi Tegal 2015.##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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