The Critical Study of the Omnibus Bill on Job Creation Based on John Rawls View on Justice Legal Studies, Law and Justice

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Kukuh Tejomurti
Sukarmi Sukarmi


This study aimed to analyze the critical study of The Omnibus Bill On Job Creation based on John Rawls view On Justice. The Government and the House of Representatives ratified the Omnibus Bill on Job Creation through a plenary meeting on October 5, 2020. This is more focused on improving economic growth or investment but does not pay attention to increase the protection and competence of human resources. The type of this research uses normative legal research, legal research that is conducted based on law and regulation, and library material. Related to this type of research, the approach used in this paper is legal, a conceptual approach, and a historical approach. According to the result of research, it can be concluded that the rules of the Omnibus Bill on Job Creation has implications for the imbalance of position between companies and workers and do not provide legal certainty for workers' protection. According to John Rawls, a justice will not sacrifice the rights of some people for the benefits enjoyed by others. Based on the opinion of John Rawls, we can know that if we sacrifice the rights of others for profit is not right. The cooperation based on a work agreement should be of benefit to all parties. These are benefits that can provide welfare to one another. Companies do not need to pay as high as company directors, but companies must be transparent about finances.

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How to Cite
Tejomurti, K., & Sukarmi, S. (2020). The Critical Study of the Omnibus Bill on Job Creation Based on John Rawls View on Justice. Unnes Law Journal, 6(2), 187-204.
Research Article
Author Biographies

Kukuh Tejomurti, Faculty of Law Universitas Sebelas Maret

Kukuh Tejomurti is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University and teaching a private law, banking law, and contract law course. He has additional education and experience: in 2013 received a short course in the Winter School program with the Germany-Southeast Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) in Bangkok, Thailand. In 2014 he was a speaker at the International Workshop: Legal Framework and Practices of Corrections and Investigative Detention in National and Comparative Perspectives with Hans Seidel Foundation and Germany-Southeast Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG). In 2017 he attended a visiting lecture at Pusrawi Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 2018 the author participates in Guest Lectures at the School of Law, College of Law, Government and International Studies at the University Utara Malaysia. In 2016 until now as Managing Editor of Yustisia Journal (International Journal) Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, peer reviewers in several national journals in Indonesia, and in 2018 the author was appointed as a member of the Indonesian representative at the Council of Asian Science Editors (CASE)

Sukarmi Sukarmi, Universitas Brawijaya

Sukarmi has been an Associate Professor at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia since 1991. She is also a Commissioner for the first term at the 2006-2011 term who had served as Deputy Chairperson of KPPU for the 2010-2011 period. At the Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya, She teaches courses in International Trade Law, Contract Law, and Banking Law. She also written publication and scientific papers on Anti-Dumping Law and Regulation, as well as Electronic Contracts. In addition to conducting studies at the Center for Human Rights Studies, the Centerfor Regional Autonomy Studies, and the Center for Economic Law Studies at Brawijaya University. Sukarmi is a member of the UUD 1945 Amendment Study Team and the Research Center for theRole of Women, as well as the Chair of the Regional Banking Research Institute as well as the Coordinator of the Master of Notary Master’s Postgraduate Program, Brawijaya University.


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