Taufika Damayanti(1), - Supriyadi(2), - Khumaedi(3),



Pemantauan tentang sebaran limbah cair dari industry di lingkungan pemukiman perlu dilakukan. Sulitnya mengamati secaralangsung sebaran limbah dalam tanah menjadi persoalan yang harus diselesaikan. Pengukuran menggunakan metode geolistriktahanan jenis konfigurasi Schlumberger dengan alat resistivitymeter G-Sound. Pemodelan dibuat menggunakan ukuran panjang200 cm dan lebar 100 cm kemudian pengukuran dilakukan sebelum penginjeksian dan setelah penginjeksian limbah kuningan danminyak jarak. Pengolahan data menggunakan software Res2Dinv32. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai resistivitas tanahsebelum diinjeksi limbah cair yaitu berkisar antara 47!m– 75 !m. Resistivitas tanah setelah diinjeksi limbah minyak jarak denganmassa jenis 0,912, 0,918, dan 0,920 g/cm berturut-turut adalah 47 – 71, 47 - 63, dan 47 – 55 !m. Sedangkan resistivitas tanahsetelah diinjeksi limbah kuningan dengan massa jenis 1,018, 1,019, dan 1,020 g/cm berturut-turut adalah 47 – 75, 47 – 63, dan 47– 51 !m. Penginjeksian limbah cair pada lapisan tanah skala model mempengaruhi nilai resistivitas listrik tanah. Hal ini karenalimbah yang bersifat konduktif mengisi ruang interfase tanah yang sebelumnya berisi udara.


Monitoring of liquid waste distribution is needed to be done. The difficulty of direct observation of waste distribution in the soilbecomes a crucial problem should be solved. One of the solutions of that problem is by doing physical modelling to detect thedistribution of the waste. The measurement used is geoelectricity method of Schlumberger configuration. The modelling useslength of 200 cm and width of 100 cm. The measurement was performed before and after injection of liquid and solid waste. Theinstrument used is G-Sound resistivitymeter. Data processing is performed using Res2Dinv32 software. The result shows that theresistivity value of the soil before injection is around 47 m– 75 m, while the resistivity of soil after injection with solid waste is 47 –75, 47 – 63, and 47 – 51 mrespectively. Injection of liquid water into soil layer of model scale influences resistivity value of the soilsince the conductive waste fulfil the interphase of soil. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that distribution of liquid waste can bedetected using geoelectricity method of Schlumberger configuration.

Keywords: geoelectricity; physical modelling; liquid waste resistivity

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