Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Sepak Bola Melalui Pendekatan Scientific Dalam Pembelajaran Penjasorkes Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

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Geni Rangga


The purpose of the study is the improvement of football studies result through scientific approach
in Physical teaching and learning in V grade of SD N Kemantran 01 Tegal academic
year 2015. This study use classroom action research that consist of two cycle, each cycle last for
one meeting. Each cycle consists of four steps, namely, planning, implementation, observation
and reflection. The result of the first cycle showed that students’ result of study haven’t achive
the standart minimum yet. From 41 students, only 30 students that can achieve the standart
minimum in football learning through Scientific Appoach with the percentage 73%. Furthermore,
on the second cycle there was an improvement that 88% or 36 students can achieve standart
minimum in football learning through Scientific Approach. Based on the result, it was
conclude that there was an improvement of football studies result through scientific approach
in penjasorkes learning in V grade of SD N Kemantran 01 Tegal.

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Author Biography


Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Unnes, Indonesia