Efforts to Increase Samapta Unit Patrols to Prevent Criminal Acts of Theft with Aggravated Circumstances

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Nur Aisyah Berutu
Eko Prasetyo


The research is motivated by the high crime of theft with weights in the Pemalang Police area, accompanied by increasing cases of theft with weights in the last 3 years. The National Police has the task of carrying out preventive actions through patrols as regulated in Perkabaharkam No.1 of 2017 concerning patrols. This study aims to determine the implementation of patrols carried out by the Pemalang Police Satsamapta and analyze the factors that influence it, as well as determine the efforts that must be made so that the patrols are carried out more optimally. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, the type of case study research and data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and document studies. In this study also used Field Research Methods (Field Research) and used triangulation of data, sources, and theoretical to obtain data validity. From the results of the research, the initial conditions indicate that the implementation of patrols has not been maximized, especially with regard to implementation, member capabilities, procedures carried out, and organization. The result of research compiled various problem solving and creative breakthroughs that could be made to improve the implementation of patrols, and could be used as an effort to increase the patrols of the Pemalang Police Satsamapta.

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How to Cite
Berutu, N. A., & Prasetyo, E. (2023). Efforts to Increase Samapta Unit Patrols to Prevent Criminal Acts of Theft with Aggravated Circumstances. Law Research Review Quarterly, 9(3), 259-282. https://doi.org/10.15294/lrrq.v9i4.66857


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