HOTS of VIII class students reviewed from creative thinking process of the Osborn model in PjBL


Bagas Mujinuranto
Iwan Junaedi


The aim of this study was to find out how the effectiveness of PjBL towards students' HOTS and to find out how the HOTS process of students in terms of the Osborn Model thinking process. This study uses mixed methods using a pre-experimental research design that is used is the one-shot case study using a sequential explanatory strategy. The population used in this study were all 8th-grade students at one junior high school in Semarang in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 school year. The research subjects were students of class 8A in a Junior High School in Semarang. Methods of data collection were carried out using tests, interviews, and observations. The results of the quantitative research showed that the ability of students in the HOTS aspect who received PjBL learning did not achieve actual passing grade. It can be concluded that the project-based learning model is not effective against students' HOTS. The results of the qualitative research indicate that there are descriptions of the HOTS process at various levels of analysis and evaluation. The diversity of HOTS process descriptions is shown in the fact-finding idea-making stage, some subjects who can achieve the evaluation level and get high scores to choose then write down information to solve the problem. In the idea-generating stage, subjects who have reached the evaluation level in HOTS tend to do one thing to find ideas, read repeatedly to find ideas and do not move to other problems if they don't find ideas. In the idea evaluation stage, the subject with the level of analysis does not check the complete results. the subject with the level of evaluation checks all the results of completion or some of the results of completion, some students pay attention to writing the results of the completion so that it is easy to understand.


How to Cite
Mujinuranto, B., & Junaedi, I. (2021). HOTS of VIII class students reviewed from creative thinking process of the Osborn model in PjBL. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 10(1), 79-84.


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