
About the Journal

Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review starting in 2024 migrates from OJS 2 to OJS 3 to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link


Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review (ISSN Print 2807-8225 ISSN Online 2807-8683) is a double-blind peer-reviewed law journal published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang every January and July (bi-annually) every year. This journal contains the results of contemporary legal research related to various aspects of the legal field with a multidisciplinary approach. The Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review is a peer-reviewed publication for work bearing on the relationship between society and the legal process, including articles or notes of interest to the research community in general, new theoretical developments, results of empirical studies, and reviews and comments on the field or its methods of inquiry. Broadly interdisciplinary, The Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review welcomes work from any tradition of scholarship concerned with the cultural, economic, political, psychological, or social aspects of law and legal systems in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the broader global context.

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): July-December, 2024
View All Issues

Regarding the paperless policy at our institution, we do not provide printed journals and or any documents in print. All documents will be provided online. If the author wants the printed version of the journal and the certificate of authorship, please contact our editor (a charge will be applied). Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review is committed to providing the best articles related to the field of law and or related studies that contribute both nationally and internationally. Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review offers an opportunity for anyone, whether students, lecturers, researchers, or legal practitioners, to send their best manuscript to the Journal. Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review accepts manuscripts throughout the year, and there is a deadline (specific time) for receipt of manuscripts except for certain topics. Semarang State University Undergraduate Law and Society Review also welcomes opportunities for cooperation in publishing the results of Seminars and Conferences in Special or Regular Issues; for further information, please contact the editor by email.