Learning Environmental Change Based On Social Issues Using Google Site To Improve Scientific Literacy And Learning Independence In High School Students
Social Issues, Environmental Change, Google Site, Scientific Literacy, Independent LearningAbstract
Indonesia's scientific literacy is ranked in the bottom 10 based on PISA results from 2000-2022. Efforts continue to be made to increase students' scientific literacy, one of which is through the Learning Management System using Google Site. The aim of this research is to analyze the validity, scientific literacy, and learning independence of high school students on environmental change material based on social issues using Google Site. This research method uses Quasi Experimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The subjects of this research were class X at SMAN 1 Jakenan, Pati, Central Java with two control and experimental classes. Data analysis uses media and material validity, N-gain, students' classical completeness, and learning independence. The media and material validity scores are 89% and 93% with the same criteria, namely very valid. The total N-gain score is 0.71 with high criteria, the scientific literacy score for context, knowledge and competency aspects respectively is 0.73; 0.68, and 0.67 with high, medium, and moderate criteria. The student learning independence score is 77.32% with strong criteria. This research can be an alternative learning to increase students' scientific literacy and learning independence and is still open to material with practical activities in it.