Analisis Kerentanan Airtanah terhadap Pencemaran di Pulau Koral Sangat Kecil dengan Menggunakan Metode GOD
(1) Departemen Geografi Lingkungan Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada Anggota Bidang Penelitian Parangtritis Geomaritime Science Park
Groundwater has a very important role in meeting water needs on a very small island. Management of groundwater resources is important so that the sustainable use of groundwater can be achieved. One important foundation of groundwater management is the analysis of groundwater vulnerability. This study tried to analyze groundwater in Pramuka Cay, Kepulauan Seribu Regency, DKI Jakarta. The method used in this study is GOD method. The data used in the classification of groundwater classes against pollution is the type of aquifer, type of rock (lithology) and depth of groundwater table. In addition, also analyzed the content of fecal coli in groundwater to validate the results of the analysis of groundwater assessments that have been carried out. The analysis shows that Pramuka Cay has extreme groundwater vulnerability. This is in accordance with the results of the analysis of fecal coli content which shows that most samples exceed groundwater quality standards.
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