Tracing Study Relevansi Kompetensi Output dengan Tuntutan Kerja dan Kebutuhan Pasar Kerja

Ali Sunarso(1), Busyairi Harits(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang


Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang adalah salah satu Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK) yang menghasilkan lulusan calon guru SD yang berkompeten dan profesional dalam bidangnya. Akan tetapi sebuah pertanyaan mengemuka, sudahkah para outputnya memenuhi kebutuhan pasar kerja mengemban amanah profesi yang sesuai kompetensi dan keahliannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mentracing (tracer study) menganalisis: 1) Kesesuaian bidang pekerjaan alumni Prodi S-1 PGSD dengan latar belakang pendidikannya. 2) Relevansi kompetensi lulusan dengan tuntutan keahlian lulusan dalam menghadapi persaingan dunia kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Tracer Study, merupakan penelitian deskriptif evaluatif yang berusaha mendeskripsikan profil lulusan dan relevansi materi kuliah kurikulum Prodi S-1 PGSD FIP UNNES melalui pendekatan survei. Variabel profil kelulusan meliputi: 1) persentase lulusan yang sudah bekerja, 2) jenis pekerjaan, 3) jabatan dalam pekerjaan, dan 4) penghasilan pertama yang diperoleh. Variabel relevansi kurikulum Prodi S1-PGSD FIP UNNES dengan kebutuhan kompetensi lulusan yaitu lifeskill dan materi kuliah yang diterima lulusan dengan kebutuhan kerja. Penelitian ini diharapkan mempunyai manfaat untuk mendapatkan umpan balik tentang sistem atau proses pembelajaran agar menyesuaikan kompetensi lulusan dengan tuntutan dan kebutuhan dunia kerja pada masa sekarang dan mendatang.

Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Semarang State University is one of the Educational Personnel Education Institutions (LPTK) that produces graduates of elementary school teacher candidates who are competent and professional in their fields. However, a question arises, have the outputs met the needs of the job market, carrying out the mandate of a profession according to their competence and expertise. This study aims to conduct tracer study to analyze: (1) The suitability of the field of work of the PGSD S-1 alumni with their educational background; (2) The relevance of graduate competence with the demands of graduate expertise in facing competition in the world of work. This study uses the Tracer Study method, which is a descriptive evaluative study that seeks to describe the profile of graduates and the relevance of the curriculum materials for the S-1 PGSD FIP UNNES Study Program through a survey approach. The graduation profile variables include: (1) the percentage of graduates who are already working; (2) types of work; (3) positions in work; and (4) first income earned. The variables of the relevance of the S1-PGSD FIP UNNES Study Program curriculum with the competency needs of graduates are lifeskills and course materials received by graduates with work needs. This research is expected to have benefits in obtaining feedback about the learning system or process in order to adjust the competence of graduates with the demands and needs of the present and future world of work.


relevance of graduates, laboratories, job market needs, tracer study study program, graduate profile

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