Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Application with Video Assistance on Improving Medical Record Understanding

Agus Riyanto(1), Syukri Hamzah(2), Hadiwinarto Hadiwinarto(3),

(1) Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia


The study's purpose was to determine whether there was an increase in understanding of medical records that were not taught and taught using the video-assisted Problem Based Learning model. This research is experimental in the form of a Quasi Experiment with a control group. Still, it cannot fully function to control external variables that affect the implementation of the experiment. The research design used was a "Nonequivalent (Pretest-Posttest) Control Group Design." The research population was all nursing students from STIKES Bhakti Husada Bengkulu. The research sample is class IA as the control class and class IB as the experimental class. Data collection was carried out using medical record comprehension tests in the form of pretest and post-test, observation, and documentation. Data analysis showed that students' understanding of medical records in the experimental class using the Problem Based Learning learning model as a learning model was in the high category, with a percentage of 81.05%, while the control class using conventional learning models was in the medium category, with a rate of 69.30%. Secondly, from the results of the analysis of hypothesis testing using the t-test, the value of sig = 0.01 is obtained. Thus there is an increase in the understanding of medical records of students taught through the Video-assisted Problem Based Learning model.


problem based learning, video, medical record

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