Table of Contents
ASPEK HISTORIS WIRAWANITA DALAM BUDAYA JAWA (The Historical Aspect of Women's Bravery in Javanese Culture)
- Subandi(1),
(1) |
MAKNA DALAM BUSANA DRAMATARI ARJA DI BALI (Meaning in the Arja Dance Drama Costume in Bali)
Siluh Made Astini(1),
(1) |
RELIGIO-MAGIS SRIMPI ANGLIRMENDHUNG DI KERATON SURAKARTA (The Magis Religious Aspect of the Anglir Mendhung Srimpi in the Court of Surakarta)
Mt. Supriyanto(1),
(1) |
MEMPERTIMBANGKAN KONSEP PENDIDIKAN SENI (Considering the Concept of Art Education)
V Eny Iryanti(1), M Jazuli(2),
(1) (2) |
ORGANISASI SENI PERTUNJUKAN (KAJIAN MANAJEMEN) (The Organization of Performing Art (a Management Study)
- Hartono(1),
(1) |
KEBANGKITAN TARI RAKYAT DI DAERAH BANYUMAS (The Resurgence of Folk Dances in Banyumas)
- Indriyanto(1),
(1) |
FUNGSI TARI SEBAGAI SENI PERTUNJUKAN (The Function of Dance as A Performing Art)
Endang Ratih E.W.(1),
(1) |
KRITIK SENI PERTUNJUKAN (Critic of The Performing Art)
M Jazuli(1),
(1) |