Table of Contents
TUGAS ILMU PENGETAHUAN DAN SENI DALAM ERA INFORMASI (The Duties of Science and Art in the Information era)
- Sunarto(1),
(1) |
USAHA MENUJU INTERNALISASI SENI TARI MELALUI KETEPATAN ALAT UKUR KETRAMPILAN SENI TARI (Efforts to Internalise Dancing Througt the Creation of Appropriate/Valitd Dancing Skills Measuring/Evaluation Instruments )
Wahyu Lestari(1),
(1) |
MASALAH KEAKTORAN DALAM TEATER MODERN (The Problem of Being an Actor in Modern Theater)
Muh Doyin(1),
(1) |
TARI BEDHAYA KETAWANG LEGIMITASI KEKUASAAN RAJA SURAKARTA (The Legitimization of Power of the King of Surakarta in the Bedhaya Ketawang Dance)
Nora Kustantina Dewi(1),
(1) |
PERUBAHAN GARAP PEDHALANGAN WAYANG KULIT PURWA GAYA SURAKARTA DEWASA INI (The Present Change in the Arrangement of Classical Leather Pupperty “the Surakarta Style)
M Randyo(1),
(1) |
MANFAAT OLAH TUBUH BAGI SEORANG PENARI (The Benefits of Calisthenics for a Dancer)
M Hasan Bisri(1),
(1) |
AKULTURASI KESENIAN REBANA (The acculturization of The Art of Rebana)
Syahrul Syah Sinaga(1),
(1) |