Learning Design of Problem Based Learning Model Based on Recommendations of Sintax Study and Contents Issues on Physics Impulse Materials with Experimental Activities

Kristia Agustina(1), Wahyu Hari Kristiyanto(2), Diane Noviandini(3),

(1) Major of Physics Education, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
(2) Study Center of Science, Technology, and Mathematics Education (e-SisTeM), Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
(3) Study Center of Science, Technology, and Mathematics Education (e-SisTeM), Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia


This study aims to design learning Problem Based Learning Model based on syntax study recommendations and content issues on Physics Impulse materials through experiments. This research is a development research with Kemp model. The reference for making the learning design is the result of the syntax study and the content of existing PBL implementation problems from Agustina research. This instructional design is applied to the physics material about Impulse done through experimental activity. Limited trials were conducted on the SWCU Physics Education Study Program students group Salatiga, while the validity test was conducted by high school teachers and physics education lecturers. The results of the trial evaluation are limited and the validity test is used to improve the designs that have been made. The conclusion of this research is the design of learning by using PBL model on Impuls material by referring the result of syntax study and the problem content of existing PBL implementation can be produced by learning activity designed in laboratory experiment activity. The actual problem for Impuls material can be used car crash test video at factory. The results of validation tests and limited trials conducted by researchers assessed that the design of learning made by researchers can be used with small revisions. Suggestions from this research are in making learning design by using PBL model to get actual problem can by collecting news that come from newspaper, YouTube, internet, and television.


problem based learning; learning design; sintax,content of problem

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