Ahmad Nurkhin(1),

(1) Pendidikan Ekonomi FE Unnes


Implementation of bilingual classroom was the manifestation of internationalization vision of the institution (Unnes) to response to the progress of International Schools (SBI / RSBI). Cost Accounting I was a subject in bilingual class of FE Unnes in 2010/2011. The objective of the study was to explain the effectiveness of peer tutor learning method in Cost Accounting I in Bilingual Class. It was a class action research done in 2 months with 2 cycles. The type of peer tutor learning was tutor to student. The result of research showed that peer tutor learning method of Cost Accounting I in Bilingual Class of FE Unnes was effective. Students’ achievement increased significantly in the first and second cycle. It passes the effectiveness indicator which stated that at least 75% students could get 71. Thus, it is suggested that other types of peer tutor learning method can be investigated empirically for further researches in different designs.


Effectiveness, Peer Tutor Learning Method, Cost Accounting I

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