Table of Contents
TUGAS ILMU PENGETAHUAN DAN SENI DALAM ERA INFORMASI (The Duties of Science and Art in the Information era)
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.856 Abstract 413 times
PDF 8752 times
- Sunarto(1),
(1)  |
USAHA MENUJU INTERNALISASI SENI TARI MELALUI KETEPATAN ALAT UKUR KETRAMPILAN SENI TARI (Efforts to Internalise Dancing Througt the Creation of Appropriate/Valitd Dancing Skills Measuring/Evaluation Instruments )
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.857 Abstract 473 times
PDF 473 times
Wahyu Lestari(1),
(1)  |
MASALAH KEAKTORAN DALAM TEATER MODERN (The Problem of Being an Actor in Modern Theater)
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.858 Abstract 2186 times
PDF 938 times
Muh Doyin(1),
(1)  |
TARI BEDHAYA KETAWANG LEGIMITASI KEKUASAAN RAJA SURAKARTA (The Legitimization of Power of the King of Surakarta in the Bedhaya Ketawang Dance)
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.859 Abstract 647 times
PDF 1422 times
Nora Kustantina Dewi(1),
(1)  |
WARNA, GARIS, DAN BENTUK RAGAM HIAS DALAM TATA RIAS DAN TATA BUSANA WAYANG WONG SRI WEDARI SURAKARTA SEBAGAI SARANA EKSPRESI (The Coloring, Lines and Shape of Ornamental varieties in the Costume make Up of the Sriwedari Folk Opera “Wayang Wong†of Sura
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.860 Abstract 3484 times
PDF 3800 times
Nanik Sri Sumarni(1),
(1)  |
PERUBAHAN GARAP PEDHALANGAN WAYANG KULIT PURWA GAYA SURAKARTA DEWASA INI (The Present Change in the Arrangement of Classical Leather Pupperty “the Surakarta Style)
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.861 Abstract 388 times
PDF 329 times
M Randyo(1),
(1)  |
MANFAAT OLAH TUBUH BAGI SEORANG PENARI (The Benefits of Calisthenics for a Dancer)
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.862 Abstract 2547 times
PDF 9285 times
M Hasan Bisri(1),
(1)  |
AKULTURASI KESENIAN REBANA (The acculturization of The Art of Rebana)
DOI 10.15294/harmonia.v2i3.863 Abstract 2445 times
PDF 6502 times
Syahrul Syah Sinaga(1),
(1)  |