Juridical Reviews on Branchless Banking Toward the Potential of Fraud Due to the Using of Agent

Winarsih winarsih(1),

(1) The Graduate Student of Law Faculty, University of Indonesia.


Branchless banking is a new system which is implemented by banks in Indonesia
with aims to provide services to rural communities in order to access banking
services such as lending or deposit money in the bank through an intermediary
agent. At first the rural communities are hard to obtain banking facilities such as
micro-credit whereas economic activities are largely actuated by lower-class
sector therefore the Financial Services Authority or Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)
issued the regulation number. 19/POJK.03/2014 about the financial services
without office in the framework of financial inclusion on November 18, 2014 to
face it. In this regulation, there are several things that need to be reviewed such
assessment accountability arrangements of agent as a third party who is not
clearly regulated whereas according to some research there are some risk in the
mechanism of implementation like as potential of fraud due to the using of agent
in this system. Though basically branchless banking is one of the strategic
national strategies to provide financing to small businesses in rural areas in order
to increase the competitiveness of products to compete in the ASEAN economic
community. Therefore, a legal instrument that can ensure and provide legal
certainty in branchless banking system is a very important thing, more over
branchless banking is the strategic of government to develop the quality of the
rural economy to face the ASEAN economic community.


Regulation; Branch-less Banking; Agent; Fraud

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Journal of Private and Commercial Law

P-ISSN: 2599-0314  E-ISSN: 2599-0306

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