The Effect of Conflict-Cognitive Strategy in Inquiry Learning towards Pre-Service Teachers’ Critical Thinking Ability

N. N. S. P. Verawati, S. Prayogi, S. Gummah, A. Muliadi, M. Y. Yusup


The trend of today’s learning goals for educational institutions is to produce pre-service teachers who think critically. Critical thinking is a higher-order thinking domain that can be taught through appropriate learning strategies. This study intended to describe the influences of the conflict-cognitive strategy in the inquiry-based learning model towards pre-service teachers’ critical thinking ability. This is pre-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The sample included 18 pre-service physics teachers at Mataram State Islamic University (UIN Mataram). The pre-service-teachers’ critical thinking ability was assessed using a critical thinking skill test instrument adapted from the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test. Indicators of critical thinking ability consisted of the ability to analyze, inference, evaluate, and make a decision. The data on critical thinking ability were analyzed descriptively and statistically, where homogeneity, normality, and t-test were performed. Descriptive analysis results indicated that the average score of critical thinking ability in the pretest was -1 in the “less critical†criteria and increased at posttest to 9,89 in the “quite critical†criteria after learning using the conflict-cognitive strategy in the inquiry-based learning model. Statistically, the analysis results revealed that the implementation of the conflict-cognitive strategy in the inquiry-based learning model had a significant effect on pre-service teachers’ critical thinking ability. Therefore, the conflict-cognitive strategy in the inquiry-based learning model can be a reference and alternative learning strategy that can be implemented for specific purposes to improve pre-service teachers’ critical thinking ability.


conflict-cognitive strategy, critical thinking ability, inquiry learning model

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