(1) Prodi Gizi, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Nutrition education for anemia children in primary schools was given in the hope that their nutrition knowledge and dietary intake will change, so iron intake and hemoglobin levels of children will increase. The research problem was how the effects of nutrition education on nutrition knowledge change. This purpose was to know the effects of nutrition education on nutrition knowledge change of elementary school anemic children. This research was quasy experiment with a pretest posttest control group. The study was conducted on 36 samples. Nutrition education in a comprehensive booklet aids in children, parents, and teachers. Nutrition education in children given once every two weeks, while the classroom teachers and parents were given every four weeks in 12 weeks. The results showed knowledge of nutrition in the sample increased (17.44 points). There was significant differences in nutrition knowledge of elementary school anemic children before and after intervention (p=0.0001). Conclusion, nutritional education was effective to improving nutrition knowledge.
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