Determinants of Diabetes Mellitus Prevalence in Indonesia
(1) Politeknik Statistika STIS
(2) Politeknik Statistika STIS
The number of people with diabetes mellitus (DM) worldwide continues to increase. In 2019, Indonesia was the seventh country with the largest number of people with DM worldwide. The people with DM in Indonesia were dominated by the productive age population. This study aims to determine the variables affecting the prevalence of DM in Indonesia in 2018. The analysis unit used is 34 provinces in Indonesia, where the data comes from the Health Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia and Statistics Indonesia. Graph analysis and multiple linear regression are the methods used in this study. DKI Jakarta has the highest DM prevalence in Indonesia, reaching 3.4 percent. The prevalences of obesity and hypertension have a positive effect on the prevalence of DM. The result shows that every one percent increase in the prevalence of obesity will increase the prevalence of DM by 0.049 percent. While, every one percent increase will increase the prevalence of DM by 0.168 percent. The percentage of the population smoking, not exercising, the unemployment rate, and the average length of schooling does not affect the prevalence of DM in Indonesia.
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