(1) School of Health Science Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi
(2) School of Health Science Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi
Hasil survei demografi dan kesehatan Indonesia angka kematian bayi sebesar 34/1000 kelahiran hidup, jauh dari sasaran MDGs (23/1000 kelahiran hidup). Penyebab utama kematian bayi adalah asfiksia, bayi prematur, BBLR dan infeksi. Angka kematian bayi di RSUD Soreang sebesar 14,76%, salah satu upaya menurunkan angka kematian bayi diantaranya dengan Perawatan Metode Kangguru (PMK). Penelitian tahun 2015 ini bertujuan menge-tahui perbedaan motivasi ibu melakukan PMK pada BBLR antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan one group pretest and posttest design, dilakukan terhadap 32 sampel ibu dengan bayi BBLR. Uji statistik menggunakan paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian pada pretest maupun posttest sebesar 62,5% mempunyai motivasi tinggi. Ada perbedaan rata-rata nilai motivasi ibu antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling dengan thitung = 10,268 ( >dari t tabel = 2,042; nila p = 0,0001). Sosialisasi PMK kepada ibu yang mempunyai BBLR dan anggota keluarga berperan penting dalam mendukung pelaksanaan PM.
Result of Indonesia demography and health survey, infant mortality rate is 34/1,000 live births, highest from the MDGs target (23/1,000 live births). The main causes of infant mortality are asphyxia, premature, low birth weight and infection. The infant mortality rate in hospitals Soreang amounted 14.76%, one of the efforts to reduce infant mortality among the treatment with kangaroo methode. The research in 2015 aimed to determine differences in maternal motivation of kanggoroo carein LBW between before and after counseling. The research design uses one group pretest and posttest design, carried out on 32 samples of mothers with LBW babies. Statistical test using a paired sample t-test. Results of research on the pretest and posttest 62.5% have high motivation. There are differences in the average value of maternal motivation between before and after counseling with Score T= 10.268 (> of T table = 2.042; p value = 0.0001). Socialization kanggoroo care to mothers with LBW and family members play an important role in supporting the implementation kanggoroo care.
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