Angraini Model as Effort to Early Detection of Chronic Energy Deficiency in Pregnancy

Dian Isti Angraini(1), Delmi Sulastri(2), Hardisman Hardisman(3), Yusrawati Yusrawati(4),

(1) Doctoral Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University/ Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Lampung University
(2) Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University
(3) Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University
(4) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University


The prevalence of chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women in Indonesia is still high. This condition is one of the unresolved nutritional problems such as stunting. This study aims to develop the Angraini Model, as an effort to early detection of chronic energy deficiency in pregnancy. This research is a quantitative study with a case-control design on 190 CED and non-CED pregnant women in the city of Bandar Lampung. The research took time from October 2018 to July 2021. The data used in this study are 18 indicators and 7 latent variables. Latent variables consist of socioeconomic (education, employment, income, knowledge), culture (age, parity, food taboo), BMI (prepregnancy BMI), laboratory (anemia, iron status, protein status), food intake (energy, protein, fat carbohydrates, iron), weight gain during pregnancy (pregnancy weight gain), and CED (chronic energy deficiency). Data were analyzed using a structural equation model (SEM) with Lisrel software and then built into a web-based expert system. The results of the SEM analysis stated that food intake, laboratory values, and weight gain during pregnancy directly affect the incidence of CED. socioeconomic variables (knowledge, education, employment, and income), culture (age, parity, and food taboo), and prepregnancy BMI indirectly affect the incidence of CED through food intake variables. The model obtained based on SEM analysis is then built in a web-based expert system with the address The Angraini model is a web-based expert system that can be used to detect early CED in pregnant women for health workers in primary healthcare facilities.


Angraini model, early detection, CED, pregnant woman

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