Permohonan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang dan Akibat Hukum terhadap PT. Asmin Koalindo Tuhup berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004
(1) Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Diponegoro
(2) Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Diponegoro
Menghindari terjadinya putusan kepailitan oleh pengadilan dengan suatu putusan hakim yang berkekuatan hukum tetap, maka akan dilakukan suatu upaya hukum yang dapat menyeimbangi keberadaan dan fungsi kepailitan itu sendiri, yaitu dengan dilakukannya Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU). Debitor yang tidak dapat melanjutkan membayar utang-utangnya yang sudah jatuh waktu dan dapat ditagih, dapat mengajukan permohonan PKPU dengan maksud untuk mengajukan rencana pembayaran utang   yang selanjutnya mengajukan rencana perdamaian yang meliputi tawaran pembayaran seluruhnya atau sebagian utang kepada para kreditor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif, pendekatan yang digunakan di dalam penelitian hukum adalah pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach), dan pedekatan kasus (case approach). Hasil dan Pembahasan adalah PKPU yang diajukan oleh Pemohon PKPU dikabulkan dan telah berada dalam PKPU Sementara selama 45 hari, dan rencana perdamaian dan PKPU Tetap disetujui oleh kreditor maka pengadilan niaga menetapkan PKPU Tetap selama 30 hari. Rencana perdamaian disetujui akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan adalah mengesahkan perjanjian perdamaian dan PKPU demi hukum berakhir dan debitor atau pemohon PKPU untuk membayar biaya perkara sebesar Rp 1.427.000 (satu juta empat ratus dua puluh tujuh ribu rupiah).
Prevent the incidence of bankruptcy decisions by a court of a judicial decisions to be fixed set of laws , it will be done a legal remedy that can be menyeimbangi the availability and function of bankruptcy it self , namely by doing suspension of debt payment obligation (PKPU). In which cannot estimate that he did not be able to continue their pay its debts they fall time and can charged , any PKPU with a view to propose plans payment of a debt with a view to propose plans peace which includes bid payment wholly or in part debt to creditors. Research methods that were used of these tests are research methodology of juridical law normative , the approach that was used with our research law is the statute approach , and case approach .The results and of discussion to be addressed is pkpu that had been requested by the applicant for pkpu granted to you has been in pkpu in it 45 the day , and the plan of just and peaceful society and that it should remain consistent pkpu firm assets as agreed on by a creditor so the commercial court shall at reach an agreement on fixing pkpu a perpetual 30 the day .The home grown peace plan accepted by the bank if as a result of law that were brought about is legalize the peace agreement and pkpu for the sake of law had ended and debitor or an applicant pkpu to pay the legal costs as much as Rp 1.427.000 ( one million four hundred twenty seven rupiah thousands to ) .
Prevent the incidence of bankruptcy decisions by a court of a judicial decisions to be fixed set of laws , it will be done a legal remedy that can be menyeimbangi the availability and function of bankruptcy it self , namely by doing suspension of debt payment obligation (PKPU). In which cannot estimate that he did not be able to continue their pay its debts they fall time and can charged , any PKPU with a view to propose plans payment of a debt with a view to propose plans peace which includes bid payment wholly or in part debt to creditors. Research methods that were used of these tests are research methodology of juridical law normative , the approach that was used with our research law is the statute approach , and case approach .The results and of discussion to be addressed is pkpu that had been requested by the applicant for pkpu granted to you has been in pkpu in it 45 the day , and the plan of just and peaceful society and that it should remain consistent pkpu firm assets as agreed on by a creditor so the commercial court shall at reach an agreement on fixing pkpu a perpetual 30 the day .The home grown peace plan accepted by the bank if as a result of law that were brought about is legalize the peace agreement and pkpu for the sake of law had ended and debitor or an applicant pkpu to pay the legal costs as much as Rp 1.427.000 ( one million four hundred twenty seven rupiah thousands to ) .
Kata Kunci: Permohonan, PKPU, Akibat Hukum
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