Sertifikasi Tanah Ayahan Desa dalam Mempertahankan Omset Desa & Pengaruhnya terhadap Swadaya Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan
(1) n PPKn,Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja, Bali
Permission certifying Ayahan Village land will give a huge impact to change organizations, and implementation of rural development in the future. Moreover certifying Ayahan land of this village is the estuary of the enlightenment. It is also an effort to revamp the structure and the level of welfare of citizens, by optimizing the potential resources owned by the village to be accommodated so that it can be used as income to the income of the village. The enactment of Law No.32 Year 2004 on Regional Government has given a definite legal basis for the villages which are spread throughout Indonesia to actualize themselves in the creative management of natural resources and human resources that could be useful for the development of rural progress related. This study aimed at the basis of certifying land menganilisi ayahan village and its implications for organizations in rural development in the Village of East Tianyar Kubu district of Karangasem regency. The results of this study indicate that the delegation of authority from the center to the regions through the autonomous regions have the authority in carrying out local development based on capabilities; Furthermore, certifying ayahan rural land reform has implications for village governance structure.
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