Wewenang dan Hambatan Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja dalam Pelaksanaan Upaya Paksa terhadap Pelanggaran Kasus Asusila
(1) Dosen Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
This study aims to analyze the Civil Servant authority in investigating the immoral cases and their barriers. This study takes a case in the city of Palembang. The data used is Primary data were collected through interviews with the Civil Service Police Unit. The results of this study indicate that the Civil Investigators have some authority, namely: to receive reports or complaints from individuals regarding the crime, taking finger prints and shoot someone, Calling people to be heard and questioned as a suspect or witness, bringing experts in conjunction with the examination of this case, termination of the investigation after receiving instructions from the investigator that there is sufficient evidence and is not a criminal offense, other actions that may be legally justified. Moreover, in the framework of the implementation of the City police function for the case in Palembang, Civil Servant Investigators also have the authority to take preventive measures through counseling, guidance, training, supervision and coaching support, both individuals and groups of people believed to be the source of the emergence of a beggar galandangan and Prostitutes. In carrying out these duties, Civil Servant Investigators face a number of obstacles, such as legislation factor, where the authority of the Municipal Police in the context of law enforcement is limited to non-judicial, as only limited to the implementation and enforcement of local regulations. In addition, the most influential factor in enforcing the law is a factor, especially regarding the ability of law enforcement and profesioanlitasnya.
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