Implementation of the Use and Protection of Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Tourism Development

Abdul Atsar(1), Ida Surya(2), Zunnuraeni Zunnuraeni(3), Saroj Jha(4),

(1) Faculty of Law, Universitas Mataram
(2) Faculty of Law, Universitas Mataram
(3) Faculty of Law, Universitas Mataram
(4) St John College of Humanities and Sciences


The purpose of this study is to examine the utilization of Traditional Knowledge for sustainable tourism development and to analyze the forms of protection of Traditional Knowledge owned by people in Central Lombok to enhance sustainable tourism development. This type of research is empirical normative legal research with statutory, conceptual and sociological approaches. Utilization of Traditional Knowledge for the development of sustainable tourism in Central Lombok Regency, namely by developing and developing Intellectual Property-based Tourism Villages, by applying the IP Tourism and Culture Tourism models, namely IP and culture-based tourism. The form of protection of Traditional Knowledge owned by the people of Central Lombok to enhance sustainable tourism development is by recording the communal intellectual property of the people of Central Lombok to the Directorate of Intellectual Property Rights, and publishing it.


Protection, Traditional Knowledge, Tourism.

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