Call for Paper

We welcome papers of community service result wich contain materials, techniques, methodologies, social practice, concepts and aesthetics. Submissions are sought that respond to one or more of the themes.

 Types of Paper Accepted

Submissions can be made in Conventional academic paper – please see descriptions of each and formatting requirements below.

Conventional Papers

We welcome papers that echo a traditional journal paper format (i.e. are composed predominantly from text with images interspersed in the writing to supplement the points being made).

Conventional Papers Initial Formatting Requirements:

  • A4 Landscape
  • Maximum 6,000 words (excl. captions)
  • 11pt Font minimum
  • Submitted as Microsoft Word document or PDF (N.B. if opting for PDF we strongly recommend that you use the “press quality” or equivalent setting when creating a PDF version of your paper to ensure that images embedded in your document are of the maximum resolution possible)
  • Images embedded within text and appropriately placed with caption below each image. Each caption must contain a brief description of the image including a rights-holder credit line (you must be the author and copyright holder of all materials you submit, particularly all visual materials or have written permission from whoever owns the copyright of an image).
  • 1.5 line spacing typed only
  • 14 Pages maximum
  • Manuscript to include a 300 word abstract, an introduction, a conclusion and a references section
  • Referencing style – 

Submission Package

  1. Authors are requested to specify and decide in the submission email message related to their types of paper.
  2. Manuscript (adhering to the formatting requirements above).
  3. One cover letter including, for each author named: current affiliations and email addresses and stating that this work is your own and that it has not been published elsewhere (or if part of the work has already been published give reference of this publication and how much new original content your submitted manuscript contains).
  4. Caption Sheet identifying images used in your submission. – N.B. Submission files with images that are too large for email should be submitted via a public domain with email notification to the Editors.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the journal reviewing committee. Submissions are not to be anonymized for review; reviewers will be required to declare any conflict of interest over reviewed work.

Dont Hesitate to contact the editors by email with any queries about submissions at

We look forward to receiving your submission,