• Mujiyono Mujiyono Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Eko Haryanto Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Arif Fiyanto
  • Gunadi Gunadi


Printed shirt vendors in Kudus have always produces the same Menara Kudus Mosque, a religious tourist attraction, graphics such that they were no longer appealing and able to boost their sales. They were not able to deliver designs that are fashionable, visually communicative, and novel given their lack of knowledge and skill of contemporary and creative designs. The casework, as discussed in this paper, served to enable and fortify printed shirt graphic designing skills, particularly to produce designs that are fashionable. This program was conducted at the Fastriver store or production house in Kudus and was intended for vendors of screen-printed shirts in Kudus with the main partners being Fastriver and Passive Clothing. Of the vendors, there were 12 individuals that participated in the program. Owners, designers, and workers of the local vendors were involved so as to synergistically generate and develop creative ideas. The implementing team consisted of three UNNES art lecturers assisted by three students and one community service staff. The team coordinated with the Kudus Regency Culture and Tourism Office, Fastriver, Passive Clothing, LP2M UNNES, as well as design experts to ensure the activity could take place effectively. The program took form as a design workshop, which delivered a theoretical introduction to design and practical design activities. The workshop was carried out 3 times totaling to approximately 8 hours. The first workshop explicated the meaning, function, history, visual elements, design principles, methodology, and typology of contemporary shirt designs. Workshops 2 and 3 were focused on shirt designing practical accompanied by internal and external critical evaluations of what had been put into practice. The program provided an understanding of design concepts as well as intense and guided exploratory experiences in utilizing local idioms and presenting them in a manner that is contemporary. Out of the program, the participants were able to increase their sense and creativity in designing shirts, producing 20 designs on paper (2-dimensional prototypes) and 2 ready-made shirts (3-dimensional prototypes). The 20 two-dimensional prototypes were revised after being critically evaluated by the public (visitors), souvenir sellers, and design experts. Evaluation was done so that the designs produced were appropriate, relevant and marketable in the market.

How to Cite
Mujiyono, M., Haryanto, E., Fiyanto, A., & Gunadi, G. (2022). FORTIFICATION THROUGH TREND-LED REDESIGNS OF SCREEN-PRINTED T-SHIRT TO DIVERSIFY TOURIST SOUVENIRS IN KUDUS. Arty: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(3), 73-80.