
Nurul Fadjri Khikmawati


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas kue gapit dengan komposit tepung ubi jalar ungu dilihat dari aspek warna, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa, bagaimana tingkat kesukaan masyarakat terhadap produk kue gapit ubi ungu dan Untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa anthosianin dan serat pada produk kue gapit ubi ungu hasil eksperimen.Objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah kue gapit dengan komposit tepung ubi jalar ungu dengan prosentase 50%,60%,dan 70%. Metode penelitiannya adalah eksperimen. Hasil  penelitian, dengan menggunakan analisis varian klasifikasi tunggal diketahui ada perbedaan nyata kualitas ketiga sampel kue gapit ubi ungu ditinjau dari aspek warna, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa, yaitu kue gapit komposit tepung ubi ungu 50%  skor reratanya 3,4,  kue gapit komposit tepung ubi ungu 60%  skor reratanya 3,5 ,dan kue gapit  komposit tepung ubi ungu 70% reratanya 4,0. Kue gapit terbaik yaitu  sample C  komposit  tepung ubi ungu 70% dengan kriteria  rasa manis sangat ideal, tekstur cukup renyah, aroma sangat harum khas ubi ungu , warna ungu pekat .  Sampel yang paling disukai masyarakat yaitu sampel C yaitu  kue gapit komposit tepung ubi ungu 70% dengan kriteria suka dengan kandungan anthosianin 12,3622 ppm,dan kandungan seratnya 1,5429%

The purpose of this experiment is to find the different of “gapit cake †quality which made from purple sweet potato flour look from color aspect, aroma, tekstur, and taste, how exactly the level from people likes to the “gapit cake purple sweet potato†product and to know the content anthosianin compound and fiber content on the “gapit cake purple sweet potato product for the best result. The object of this experiment is gapit cake with 50%, 60%, and 70% percentage purple sweet potato flour composite. The research method is an experiment. The result of the experiment wich using variant analysis single classification mentioned there’s a real different quality from those sample’s look from color aspect, aroma, tekstur, and taste, which is the gapit cake with 50% percentage purple sweet potato flour composite has 3.4 score, gapit cake with 60% percentage purple sweet potato flour composite has 3.5 score, and gapit cake with 70% percentage purple sweet potato flour composite has 4.0 score. So the best gapit cake is sample C which 70% purple sweet potato flour composite with sweet taste criteria is very ideal, the tekstur is crispy enough, aromatic special from the purple sweet potato, and the purple color that so thick. And the most liked sample by the people is sample C which gapit cake with 70% percentage purple sweet potato flour composite and contain 12.3622 ppm of anthosianin, and also contain 1.5429% of fiber.



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Bptp – kaltim @litbang.deptan.go.id