Exploring Student Perspectives on Restorative Justice: A Case Study at the Public High School of Kefamenanu

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Isakh Benyamin Manubulu
Maria Filiana Tahu
Ni Luh Gede Astariyani
Rosino Da Cruz
Ditha Fomora Tuasikal


The exploration of Restorative Justice (RJ) in Indonesia's border areas, particularly within the context of North Central Timor High School, reveals intriguing insights into its implementation and reception among students. This study, employing an empirical legal research approach focused on statutory analysis, factual examination, and thoughtful analysis, sheds light on the evolving landscape of Indonesia's criminal justice system. Notably, the research highlights that while PERMENDIKBUD 46/23 initially adopts a distributive punishment framework, there exists a growing inclination towards adopting RJ principles. A significant proportion of students, constituting 55.50%, express strong support for the incorporation of RJ within the school environment. Moreover, a majority (51%) acknowledge the presence of RJ initiatives within their schools, emphasizing the gradual acceptance of this alternative approach. Furthermore, the findings underscore the importance of transparency in RJ practices, with 40% of students recognizing its significance. Additionally, a notable percentage (35.5%) of students endorse the application of RJ in addressing issues of sexual violence, signaling a potential avenue for addressing such sensitive matters within the school community. Crucially, a substantial proportion (43.33%) of students advocate for the active involvement of schools in facilitating the resolution of sexual violence cases through RJ processes. This underscores the pivotal role educational institutions can play in fostering a culture of accountability and restoration. Overall, the student perspectives elucidated in this research offer valuable insights into the feasibility and efficacy of RJ in addressing not only disciplinary matters but also complex issues like sexual violence within educational settings. As Indonesia continues to explore innovative approaches to justice, the embrace of RJ principles signifies a promising step towards fostering a more inclusive and restorative justice system.

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How to Cite
Manubulu, I. B., Tahu, M. F., Astariyani, N. L. G., Da Cruz, R., & Tuasikal, D. F. (2024). Exploring Student Perspectives on Restorative Justice: A Case Study at the Public High School of Kefamenanu. Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services, 6(1), 25-52. https://doi.org/10.15294/ijals.v6i1.78039
Research Article
Author Biographies

Isakh Benyamin Manubulu, Cendana Wangi College of Law

Isakh Benyamin Manubulu, SH.,MH.,CPrM is an esteemed legal scholar and lecturer at the Cendana Wangi College of Law. With an extensive research background in Administrative Law, Isakh has conducted through and comprehensive studies that cover a wide range of legal fields. He has produced an essential reference text on the development of the North Central Timor Regency. In 2024, he is set to publish his seventh book "Justice and Dignity, Pen Strokes from Eastern Indonesia," which promises to make a significant contribution to the legal community. As a trusted partner of the Regional Government, Mr. Isakh is actively involved in implementing various government programs.

Maria Filiana Tahu, University of Nusa Cendana

Maria Filiana Tahu, SH, MH, is a distinguished lecturer at Cendana Wangi College of Law. In addition to her teaching role, Mrs. Maria is an accomplished activist in the field of protecting women and children. She is also a member of the Regional People's Representative Council of North Central Timor Regency. We are pleased to share that Ms. Tahu has recently been re-elected as the People's Marriage Council of North Central Timor Regency Electoral District (Dapil) I, from 2024 to 2029.

Ni Luh Gede Astariyani, Faculty of Law, University of Udayana

Dr. Ni Luh Gede Astariyani,SH.,MH, is a lecturer at the University of Udayana, is a prolific researcher with a primary focus on legal products, particularly in Constitutional Law and Laws and Regulations. Engaging in multiple research projects funded by government bodies and universities, Dr. Astariyani has demonstrated a commitment to advancing legal scholarship. Her impactful research findings have been published in numerous top-ranked journals, reflecting a multifaceted approach to legal studies. Notable projects include studies on the institutional relationship in state administration, regulations of local policies, and the protection and empowerment of farmers.

Rosino Da Cruz, Faculty of Law, Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa'e

Dr. Rosino Da Cruz,Lic.Dir.,MD serves as the Head of the Law Department for the Master's Program at the University of Oriental Timor Loro Sae (UNITAL). He has been actively teaching in the law faculty since 2007. In addition to his administrative role, Dr. Da Cruz has contributed significantly to legal scholarship, with notable publications exploring the dynamics of state administration in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

Ditha Fomora Tuasikal, College of Economics and Business, The Australian National University

Ditha Fomora Tuasikal,S.M is a master's student at the Australian National University (ANU), studying management. The scope of research focus on business and economic development in rural areas of Indonesia, social entrepreneurship, and open to research collaborations with other disciplines. In 2019, she conducted a research project on sago-based products for rural development in Maluku, she explored how sago can serve multiple purposes, such as food and energy products, to boost the local economy and address social issues related to community dependence on ferries for supplies.


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