Instilling Nationalist Values in Local History Learning of Sukorejo People's Struggle Class XI at SMA N 1 Sukorejo

  • Sri Uji Lestari SMA N 1 Sukorejo
  • Ufi Saraswati Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Abdul Muntholib Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: Value, Nationalism, History Learning


This study aims to criticize the narrative of heroic history textually. This research focuses on the philosophy of the Local Hero, Local Heroes entering the history class, and appreciation from the academic community regarding the concept of the Local Hero. The research method used is qualitative with an ethnographic critical design. The results of the study show that 1) Indeed, the Local Hero concept, if read in philosophical discourse, is very relevant for the teaching of local history; 2) Historical classes become more interesting when popular concepts fall into part of the material, considering the millennial generation is not very interested in learning history that is too political and elitist, so the Local Hero has its determination in this matter; and 3) In class, the concept gets positive appreciation from educators and students. From the description, the researcher concluded that, at present, teaching history requires innovation by the spirit and soul of the times.


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How to Cite
Lestari, S., Saraswati, U., & Muntholib, A. (2021). Instilling Nationalist Values in Local History Learning of Sukorejo People’s Struggle Class XI at SMA N 1 Sukorejo. Indonesian Journal of History Education, 6(2), 261-274.