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Indonesian Journal of History Education (IJHE) [p-ISSN 2252-6641 & e-ISSN 2549-0354] is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods, and applications in Indonesia's history education and global perspective. As an online-only journal, it publishes original, primary research (theoretical and empirical papers) and practical applications relating to Indonesia's history education and global perspective.

IJHE publishes conceptual articles and research results on a philosophy of learning history, history curriculum studies, history didactics, media and history learning sources, and history learning innovation.

  1. Philosophy of learning history including figures' thoughts on history learning and its impact on society, basic concepts of history education, gender studies in history education, and history learning as a driver of change.
  2. History curriculum studies include the study of historical education curriculum, among others, regarding policies in the preparation of history education curriculum, and the development of historical education curriculums so far, which has an impact on the implementation of the learning process.
  3. History didactics includes the study of the process of implementing historical learning, models, methods, and evaluation of history learning both at school and in the community. Within this scope the study can also be in the form of studies of teachers and history textbooks.
  4. Media and history learning sources include studies on the development and use of media and learning resources used in history learning based on audio, visual, and audio-visual, to improve the achievement of historical learning goals.
  5. History learning innovation include studies of renewal or constructive changes in history education in Indonesia and global perspective.

In addition, IJHE also includes book reviews as a reflection of the implementation of history education in a nation-state. We also accommodate comments and criticism of history education policies, the latest educational trends, and didactic issues in the context of Indonesia's history education and global perspective.