Daya Proteksi Ekstrak Tauge Kacang Hijau terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa dan Kadar Enzim Superoksida Dismutase Mencit yang Terpapar Transfluthrin
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Transfluthrin is substance contained in mosquito repellent. Transfluthrin can cause free radical establishment. Bean sprout extract contains antioxidants that have a potential to fight free radical. This research aimed to examine the protective power of bean sprout extract on the quality of spermatozoa and mice SOD levels exposed by transfluthrin. Mice were divided into five groups, namely K was the normal control group, K- was a negative control group, K+ was a positive treatment group. KP1 was a group of mice that were given bean sprout extract dose of 25 mg/20gBB, KP 2 was a group of mice which were given bean sprout extract dose of 50 mg/20gBB. The data obtained were analyzed by oneway Anova confidence followed by the LSD test. Spermatozoa motility test results and SOD levels showed that the negative control group was significantly different from the treatment group. The viability, concentration, morphology tests of spermatozoa were not significantly different between the negative control group and the treatment group. It can be concluded that the addition of bean sprouts extracts in mice exposed to transfluthrin was able to protect the motility of spermatozoa and increase the levels of SOD but were less effective at protecting the concentration, viability and morphology in spermatozoa.
Keywords: ekstrak tauge, kualitas spermatozoa, SOD transfluthrin
Transfluthrin merupakan salah satu bahan aktif yang terkandung di dalam obat nyamuk. Transfluthrin dalam obat nyamuk dapat menyebabkan pembentukan radikal bebas. Ekstrak tauge memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang berpotensi melawan radikal bebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji daya proteksi ekstrak tauge kacang hijau terhadap kualitas spermatozoa dan kadar SOD mencit yang terpapar Transfluthrin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Sebanyak 25 ekor mencit jantan galur Balb/c dibagi 5 kelompok, yaitu K: kelompok kontrol normal, K-: kelompok kontrol negatif, mencit di paparan obat nyamuk, K+: kelompok perlakuan positif mencit diberi vitamin E, KP1: kelompok mencit yang diberi ekstrak tauge dosis 25mg/20gBB, KP2: kelompok mencit yang diberi ekstrak tauge dosis 50mg/20gBB. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Anova satu jalan dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD. Hasil uji statistik motilitas spermatozoa dan kadar SOD menunjukkan kelompok kontrol negatif berbeda nyata dengan kelompok perlakuan dan uji statistik viabilitas, konsentrasi dan morfologi spermatozoa tidak berbeda nyata antara kelompok kontrol negatif dan kelompok perlakuan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu pemberian ekstrak tauge pada mencit yang dipapar transfluthrin mampu memproteksi motilitas spermatozoa dan meningkatkan kadar SOD tetapi kurang efektif memproteksi konsentrasi, viabilitas dan morfologi spermatozoa.
Kata kunci: ekstrak tauge, kualitas spermatozoa, SOD transfluthrin
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