
Amartiwi Inarest


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis sumber protein dan  filler yang berbeda terhadap kualitas nugget ampas tahu ditinjau dari warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa dan kesukaan masyarakat. Obyek penelitiannya adalah nugget ampas tahu dengan penggunaan jenis sumber protein (daging ayam dan udang) dan jenis filler (tapioka dan maizena) yang berbeda.Desain penelitiannya adalah faktorial 2x2. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis faktorial dilanjutkan uji Duncan dan uji kesukaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis sumber protein dan jenis filler berpengaruh pada indikator tekstur kompak, tekstur padat, tetapi tidak berpengaruh pada rasa. Sedangkan interaksi antara jenis sumber protein dan jenis filler tidak berpengaruh pada semua indikator. Sampel terbaik adalah nugget dengan penggunaan sumber protein ayam dan  filler tepung tapioka dengan nilai rerata 3,56. Keempat sampel disukai masyarakat. Sampel paling disukai adalah nugget ampas tahu dengan sumber protein ayam dan filler tepung maizena dengan nilai tertinggi 3,9 . Kandungan nugget ampas tahu yaitu serat kasar 2,625-2,886%, protein 10,437-11,946%, lemak 14,432-22,496%, kadar air  43,904-52,092, dan tidak terdapat cemaran logam timbal.  Saran1) Perlu menambahkan putih telur atau tepung panir pada adonan nugget untuk meningkatkan kandungan protein. 2) Perlu melakukan penelitian lanjutan terhadap masa simpan dan penggunaan kemasan dengan memperhatikan perlakuan suhu dan waktu pemanasan.

The purpose of this research was to know the influence of the kind of protein food source and kind of filler toward the sensory quality of tofu waste nugget considering in color, aroma, texture, taste, and consumers’ acceptance. The object of this research was waste tofu nugget which used kind of protein food sources (chicken meat and shrimp) and kind of fillers (tapioca and maizena). The research design in this study was 2x2 factorial. Data were analyzed by using factorial analysis, and then Duncan test, and consumers’ acceptance test. The research result showed that the kind of protein food source and kind of fillers influenced the compact texture indicator, solid texture, but it did not influence the taste. The interaction between protein source food and filler substance did not influence all indicators. The best sample nugget was nugget which was using chicken meat protein substance and tapioca as the filler substance in which the average score was 3.56. The four of waste tofu nugget samples were liked by people. The sample was preferred by panelist were waste tofu nugget that was using chicken protein source food and maizena as the filler substance (3.9). The nutritional content of waste tofu nugget have crude fiber from 2.625-2.886%, protein 10.437-11.946%, fat 14.432-22.496%, water degree 43.904-52.092, and there was no metal contaminants lead. Suggestions 1) should add egg white or panir flour on the dough nugget to increase the protein content, 2) To complement the data and get a better product, it is necessary to do the further research toward the saving life time and the using of packaging with attention to temperature and heating time.
