Increasing Public Understanding of the Prevention and Complaints of Fraudulent Investments

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Duhita Driyah Suprapti
Nurul Fibrianti
Anggun Meinanda Maharani


The many offers of high income make many people interested in investing. People's carelessness backfires on those who are victims of fraudulent investments. Illegal investment or more commonly known as a fraudulent investment is indeed carrying out investment activities that are not following existing regulations. The ease of access to information and the affordability of technology today has become the ground for illegal investment actors to look for victims. Investments that initially aim to obtain maximum income from existing capital in the future harm investors. In illegal assets, it is not only the activities that are not appropriate, but the completeness of the licensing documents for investment companies is also incomplete. Many types of activities resemble investments but are fake or illegal. The victims of this activity are not only a few. Even from all walks of life are victims of this irresponsible activity. This service is carried out by educating the public regarding complaints and assisting with illegal investments. This service will be carried out by providing investment training for the community in Kalipancur Village, especially for mothers and teenagers who are often the target of investment fraud. Such an approach is expected to provide validity of the results as a good outcome. This training is considered efficient and effective because the public understands and understands commercial transactions through the internet to increase their knowledge to increase their income and standard of living.

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How to Cite
Suprapti, D. D., Fibrianti, N., & Maharani, A. M. (2022). Increasing Public Understanding of the Prevention and Complaints of Fraudulent Investments. Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services, 4(2), 295-314.
Research Article
Author Biographies

Duhita Driyah Suprapti, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Duhita Driyah Suprapti a is a lecturer at Semarang State University. She joined Semarang State University as a Civil Servant Lecturer on January 1, 2005. The last education was at the level of Strata 3 (S3) - (Graduated August 10, 2015), and graduated on August 10, 2015. Currently serving as a civil servant lecturer with Lektor (Head of Laboratory) position and mastered the main courses.

Nurul Fibrianti, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Nurul Fibrianti is a civil servant lecturer at Semarang State University. She joined Semarang State University as a Civil Servant Lecturer on January 1, 2008. The last education was at the Strata 2 (S2) - (Graduated April 01, 2007), and graduated on April 1, 2007. As a civil servant lecturer with the position of Head Teacher, he mastered the main courses of Consumer Protection Law, Trade Law, Banking Law.

Anggun Meinanda Maharani, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Anggun Meinanda Maharani is one of the Faculty of Law of Semarang State University staff who serves in the administrative section of the academic and student sub-sections.


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