Political Dynasty in Law and Political Perspective: to what extent has the Election Law been reformed?

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Yunas Derta Luluardi
Ayon Diniyanto


A democratic state allows for the birth of a dynastic politics. Indonesia as a democracy must accept these consequences. As long as dynastic politics are in accordance with the constitution and do not violate democratic principles, the state accommodates the birth and development of dynastic politics. In Indonesia, since the opening of the doors of reform and regional autonomy, it has led to a democratization of political power at the center as well as in the regions. Dynastic politics also grows and develops. The growth and development of dynastic politics occurs at the level of political power in the regions. In the Tegal Raya region, dynastic politics led by the Dewi Sri clan had experienced developments and was able to place several members of the Dewi Sri clan in several political powers. But interestingly, the political development of the dynasties in the Tegal Raya region must be reduced. This article analyzes the factors that influence the development and reduction of dynastic politics in the Tegal Raya Region.

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How to Cite
Luluardi, Y., & Diniyanto, A. (2021). Political Dynasty in Law and Political Perspective: to what extent has the Election Law been reformed?. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(1), 109-124. https://doi.org/10.15294/jllr.v2i1.44321
Review Article


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