Determination of Advancement of Technology against Law

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Kholil Said
Ayon Diniyanto


The rapid technological advancement cannot be separated from the negative impact. Unfortunately, technological advances that have a negative impact are often determinants of law. This condition is of course very detrimental to society. Law, which is actually an instrument of state policy to prevent and act against the negative impacts of technological progress, is precisely technological progress as a determinant of law. This certainly creates problems that must be resolved. This study examines the determination of technological progress on the law. This study also formulates a legal model that is able to provide determination on technological progress. This research was conducted using a qualitative research approach and normative juridical research. The results of this study are to describe the evidence for the determination of technological progress against the law. In addition, it also formulates a legal model that is determinant of technological progress.

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How to Cite
Said, K., & Diniyanto, A. (2021). Determination of Advancement of Technology against Law. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(1), 125-134.
Review Article


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