US Right of Veto Against UN Resolution on Terrorism of ISIS Foreign Militias

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Annisa Farras Tsabitah
Khoirur Rizal Luthfi


This article analyzes how the US proposes a Veto Rights against a resolution issued by the United Nations against anti-terrorism, namely the Persecution, Reintegration, and Rehabilitation system for foreign ISIS militants who are stranded in Syrian camps. How was the veto issued by the United States against ISIS detention without a Veto provision based on the UDHR, International Humanitarian Law, and also the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols I and II 1977. This research was conducted to see the effect of the US veto on the fate of ISIS militias and the efforts and steps that can be done to solve the ISIS militia problem from the perspective of international law. The research method used was normative juridical. The result of the research was that the PRR resolution against ISIS militias was canceled with the veto power issued by the United States. Efforts that can be made in this regard include (1) continuing to prioritize the role of the PRR against ISIS foreign militants who are in Syrian Camps, focusing on dealing with foreign ISIS militias and countering terrorism through related conventions, such as the Universal Declaration Human Rights (UDHR), the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the 1907 Hague Convention, and the 1977 Additional Protocols I and II, and continue to urge all members of the state and all parties, that all measures taken to combat terrorism must fulfill their obligations under international law, including humanitarian law, international human rights law, and international refugee law with the impact of such actions

Article Details

How to Cite
Tsabitah, A. F., & Luthfi, K. R. (2021). US Right of Veto Against UN Resolution on Terrorism of ISIS Foreign Militias. Law Research Review Quarterly, 7(1), 19-42.
Author Biographies

Annisa Farras Tsabitah, Faculty of Law UPN Veteran Jakarta

Annisa Farras Tsabitah, student of the Faculty of Law Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Author is a final year student with a concentration majoring in International Law, previously active in organizations in the Faculty and University Student Executive Board for 3 periods with the position of Secretary. It has followed several seminars / web-national and international seminars on the law. She actively participates in volunteer activities outside or on campus, one of them by following the Global Volunteer in Thailand, became a teacher for approximately 6 weeks. And is currently a volunteer for officer units Covid-19.

Khoirur Rizal Luthfi, Faculty of Law UPN Veteran Jakarta

Khoirur Rizal Lutfi, S.H., M.H., currently active as a lecturer of international law at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. Apart from teaching, he is also active in conducting research and community service on themes related to international law. Some of the research and community service activities he has undertaken, "Prospects of Implementing Mutual Legal Assistance Against Transnational Tax Crimes (Study of Reciprocal Agreements between Indonesia-Switzerland)", 2020, "Optimalisasi Peran Bantuan Hukum Timbal Balik dalam Pengembalian Aset Hasil Tindak Pidana Korupsi", (2020), "Legitimasi Kebijakan Indonesia dalam Penindakan Illegal, Unreported dan Unregulated Fishing menurut Perspektif Hukum Internasional", 2017, "Teori Hukum Alam dan Kepatuhan Negara Terhadap Hukum Internasional", 201, and "Peningkatan Pemahaman Aspek-Aspek Hukum Transnasional bagi Masyarakat di Kota Depok", 2020.


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Laws and Regulations

International Humanitarian Law.

The 1949 Geneva Convention.

The 1977 Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention on the protection of victims of international armed conflict.

The 1977 Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Convention on the Protection of non-international armed conflicts.
The UN Charter.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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