Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII pada Model Eliciting Activities (MEA) Ditinjau dari Gaya Kognitif


Lusianna Setyaningsih
Scolastika Mariani


Tujuan penelitian ini (1) mengetahui apakah kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa kelas VIII pada MEA lebih baik daripada kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa pada model ekspositori, (2) mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa FD dan FI, dan (3) mendeskripsikan kemampuan koneksi matematika pada MEA berdasarkan gaya kognitif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah mixed method dengan populasi siswa kelas VIII. Kelas sampel terdiri atas VIIIA dan VIIIB. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 6 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, dokumentasi, tes koneksi matematika, GEFT, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa pada MEA lebih baik dibandingkan pada ekspositori; (2) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa FD dan FI; (3) siswa FD mampu mencari dan memahami hubungan antar topik dan antara topik matematika dengan topik di luar matematika, serta menerapkan matematika dalam kehidupan, tetapi siswa FD tidak mampu menerapkan matematika dalam disiplin ilmu lain, tidak mampu memahami representasi, dan tidak mampu sampai kurang mampu mencari hubungan satu prosedur dengan prosedur lain; sedangkan,  siswa FI mampu mencari dan memahami hubungan antar topik dan antara topik matematika dengan topik di luar matematika, memahami representasi, menerapkan matematika dalam bidang lain dan kehidupan, dan mencari hubungan satu prosedur dengan prosedur lain.


The purpose of this study were (1) determine whether the mathematical connection ability of eighth grader student on MEA is better than the mathematical connection ability on expository, (2) determine whether there are differences mathematical connection ability of FD and FI students, and (3) describe the mathematical connection ability on MEA based on cognitive style. This study is mix method with the population were eighth grader students. The sample class were VIIIA and VIIIB. Subjects consisted of 6 students. Data collection techniques including observation, documentation, mathematical connection test, GEFT, and interviews. The results showed that (1) the mathematical connection ability of student on MEA is better than on expository; (2) there are differences in mathematical connection ability of students FD and FI; (3) students FD are able to find and understand the relationships between topics and between mathematical topic and outside mathematical topic, and apply mathematics in life, but students FD unable to apply mathematics in other disciplines, unable to understand the representation, and not able to less able to find the relationship of the procedure with another procedure; whereas, students  FI were able to find and understand the relationships between topics and between mathematical topic and outside mathematical topic, understand representation, applying mathematics in other disciplines and life, and find the relationship of the procedure with another procedure.


How to Cite
Setyaningsih, L., ASIKIN, M., & Mariani, S. (2017). Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII pada Model Eliciting Activities (MEA) Ditinjau dari Gaya Kognitif. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 5(3), 217 - 226.


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