Implementation of The Siracusa Principles as Foundations for Reformulation of Social Restriction Policies in Public Health Emergencies Law and Public Policy, Human Rights Law

Main Article Content

Rahadyan Fajar Harris
Natalia Carolina Simanjuntak


The purpose of this research is to implement the Siracusa Principles as the basis for the formulation and evaluation of public policies that have the potential to restrict people's rights and freedoms during social restrictions. This research uses the statutory and conceptual approaches of normative juridical methods as instruments of analysis. The findings of this paper include 667 cases of human rights violations released by LBH Jakarta throughout 2020. There are result of the government's social restriction policy to suppress COVID-19 transmission. Although Article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) allows governments to restrict certain rights during public emergencies that threaten the life of the nation, states are not allowed to arbitrarily restrict people's rights and freedoms. Therefore, a mechanism is needed that can set restrictions on public rights in a balanced manner. In this regard, the Siracusa Principles can be implemented as a basis for the formulation of public policy through human rights due diligence and evaluating the government's compliance in implementing its policies. The novelty of this paper contains comprehensive discourses and recommendations in reformulating social restriction policies that are less friendly to human rights protection through restrictions on rights proportionally and internationally, and allow for the existence of check and balances mechanisms for the course of public policy. Therefore, with the implementation of the Siracusa Principles can be the basis for establishing restrictions on rights proportionally in order to develop policies of social restrictions and health quarantine that are more friendly to human rights protection and can minimize the occurrence of policy formulation errors that have the potential to violate human rights.

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How to Cite
Harris, R. F., & Simanjuntak, N. C. (2022). Implementation of The Siracusa Principles as Foundations for Reformulation of Social Restriction Policies in Public Health Emergencies. Unnes Law Journal, 8(1), 39-64.
Research Article
Author Biographies

Rahadyan Fajar Harris, Universitas Airlangga

Rahadyan Fajar Harris is an undergraduate law student at Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. He is also working as Legal Researcher at Paham Hukum and HeyLaw.Edu. Besides that, he also serving as Awardee Coordinator at Beasiswa Cendekia BAZNAS, Regional Director at Bimbingan Antar Teman Nusantara and one of the editorial team of IPMHI Law Journal. Some of his works and opinion have been published on severals media such as Formulasi Yuridis Terhadap Urgensi Perancangan Kebijakan Pajak Karbon Sebagai Pendorong Transisi Energi Baru Terbarukan Berdasarkan Pancasila (IPMHI Law Journal, 2022). Tindak Pidana dalam Pertambangan Menurut UU Minerba (HeyLaw.Edu, 2022); Pertentangan SLAPP dan Anti-SLAPP dalam Konflik Pertambangan (HeyLaw.Edu, 2022); and Menilik Aneka Kontroversi Dalam Pasal 162 Revisi UU Minerba (Advokat Konstitusi, 2021).

Natalia Carolina Simanjuntak, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Natalia Carolina Simanjuntak is an undergraduate law student at Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. She experienced in several organitazions, events, and internships such as Moot Court Community, Webinar Training Paralegal Skills for Law Student, Legal Writer and Researcher at Paham Hukum, and many more. She has interested in issues of constitutional law, human rights, business law, and gender equality. Natalia has a good public speaking and writing skills. With her leadership skill, she able to manage a team and give a solution to solve the problem. Last but not least, she believes that hard work and dedication will pay off.


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